Yay! My blog will be mine again soon! I can't tell you how many times I've just wanted to write but have been restricted by the fact that this blog is temporarily being used for my assignments. I realize that we're learning to work on here as part of what the Board would have us to be taught. But GAH! I knew what I was doing here! Making it an assignment just frustrated me. I can see the good in actually sharing my views online though by having my Eng and Univ assignments up on here.
To my readers, the two of you, hopefully once all this crazy is over, I can just talk like normal. That makes me sound like I'm insane. Switch that- I can talk about what I want to talk about, what's affecting me, and just share. My points and reasoning are diminishing because it's late and I'm revamping a paper still. So much work. It's all going to pay off.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
chippin away
We're in the midst of the body of our project now. I believe I mentioned our DS is Gordon B. Hinkley- probably one of the best examples we could find for Help Others. Our topic is just set up for service. I gave blood about two weeks back during Rivalry Week and in retrospect wondered if those hours counted towards something. If it was just for saving lives, that works too. Then, that Saturday I went to the temple for a couple of hours to do baptisms. It was my first time ever going by myself so that was a really cool experience for me. I went fasting and actually ran into some people that I knew both on the way and inside. This Thanksgiving weekend I also set aside some time to work on installing the indexing program on my new mac and worked on a batch. I just wonder if other things that I do count towards these "hours." I'm going down to Mexico this Thursday through Sunday on a service trip with Kaiizen. Can I document that? That'd really take me over the "required" time.
-I just don't like to think of my service in time. I do it because that's who I am.-
-I just don't like to think of my service in time. I do it because that's who I am.-
source evaluation
In further researching for my paper, I found an excellent article on problems with the internet as a whole. After keeping my interest the entire way through, I continued to scroll down and was startled to find an extensive bibliography. People in the real world really do site their sources and there are cases when you can have thirty sources.
I was able to deem that the author really did do their research. I even went on to search some of the papers that they used and was able to gather more information for my own paper. I'm still working on the credibility and ease in my paper. I have my topic pretty much nailed down, it's just making my research support me and continue for the required length.
I was able to deem that the author really did do their research. I even went on to search some of the papers that they used and was able to gather more information for my own paper. I'm still working on the credibility and ease in my paper. I have my topic pretty much nailed down, it's just making my research support me and continue for the required length.
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