College really is unlike high school. Especially here at BYU, I've learned that I'm not necessarily the smartest. While I was top ranked in high school, it's been important for me to have a true understanding of who I am and to value myself just for being me.
Here are some truths I've learned over the past year:
1. Procrastination really is a bad idea.
This is something I've known since elementary school yet I still indulge in it all the time. This is definitely something I need to change about myself. I resolve to now complete my work, especially papers, a week in advance. To really have time to enjoy life, I need to be on top of things.
2. Daily scripture study and prayer is vital.
Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have a testimony of the restored gospel. Reading my scriptures daily is something that helps me keep an eternal perspective. Prayer is a way for me to speak directly to my Heavenly Father and be calmed whenever I experience fear and apprehension.
3. Proper diet and exercise gives you energy.
Living away from home, I am completely in control of what I ingest. This can be either a good or bad thing. At times, eating right is expensive. I plan to join a dinner group and create wonderfully delicious and healthy food that doesn't make me feel like crap. Also, working out is good. I'm not especially fond of running, but I may just have to suck it up. Expect to see wet swimsuits hanging in the shower in the near future. I've always loved swimming.
4. Early to bed, early to rise.
I am probably the worst night owl ever. Being down here has really made me see the errors of my ways; productivity really does plummet late at night. My current bedtime is 10:30 and I've been pretty good about that. Rising has been attempted to be close to 7. This is to be altered as needed.
5. People come first. Always.
It is so easy to get caught up in yourself living at college. So many things make you want to think that way. It's important to be service oriented in everything you do. Everyone in this life is going through their own personal set of trials. Having a friend and someone who will really listen can make all the difference in another's life.
6. Optimism makes every situation better.
Wake up every day and decided to be happy. Having this attitude will make every task quicker to complete. Your relations with others will improve and you will gain more friends. Be genuine as you do this. You'll also come to be seen as a leader and someone to count on.
7. Your word is your bond.
If you say you are going to do something, do it. Trust is one of the most important things you can have with another human being. As you become someone that is dependable and reliable, you will grow in your own personal level of happiness and it will become easier to complete other tasks in your life.
8. Approach every individual with an attitude of Christ-like love.
We are all sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us for who we are. As we approach one another with this attitude, we create real relationships. Serving others is the most important thing that we can do in this life. Always seek after opportunities in which you can show your love for others through simple acts of service.
This is all I have for now. Back to studying I suppose. It's good to know that finals are but a small moment in the eternal scheme of things.
I am just so happy you have a blog! :) You will be on my friend list now.
Bed at 10:30? Did i understand you wrong?:) Good post! Glad I sorta made it in. Love ya and good luck with finals
C! I didn't know you have a blog, you are so hip and internet savvy, I feel like an old man (insert Kelin's depressing midlife crisis face here)
This is a great list. I'm sure it's a huge relief that finals are nearly over, huh?
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