Yay! My blog will be mine again soon! I can't tell you how many times I've just wanted to write but have been restricted by the fact that this blog is temporarily being used for my assignments. I realize that we're learning to work on here as part of what the Board would have us to be taught. But GAH! I knew what I was doing here! Making it an assignment just frustrated me. I can see the good in actually sharing my views online though by having my Eng and Univ assignments up on here.
To my readers, the two of you, hopefully once all this crazy is over, I can just talk like normal. That makes me sound like I'm insane. Switch that- I can talk about what I want to talk about, what's affecting me, and just share. My points and reasoning are diminishing because it's late and I'm revamping a paper still. So much work. It's all going to pay off.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
chippin away
We're in the midst of the body of our project now. I believe I mentioned our DS is Gordon B. Hinkley- probably one of the best examples we could find for Help Others. Our topic is just set up for service. I gave blood about two weeks back during Rivalry Week and in retrospect wondered if those hours counted towards something. If it was just for saving lives, that works too. Then, that Saturday I went to the temple for a couple of hours to do baptisms. It was my first time ever going by myself so that was a really cool experience for me. I went fasting and actually ran into some people that I knew both on the way and inside. This Thanksgiving weekend I also set aside some time to work on installing the indexing program on my new mac and worked on a batch. I just wonder if other things that I do count towards these "hours." I'm going down to Mexico this Thursday through Sunday on a service trip with Kaiizen. Can I document that? That'd really take me over the "required" time.
-I just don't like to think of my service in time. I do it because that's who I am.-
-I just don't like to think of my service in time. I do it because that's who I am.-
source evaluation
In further researching for my paper, I found an excellent article on problems with the internet as a whole. After keeping my interest the entire way through, I continued to scroll down and was startled to find an extensive bibliography. People in the real world really do site their sources and there are cases when you can have thirty sources.
I was able to deem that the author really did do their research. I even went on to search some of the papers that they used and was able to gather more information for my own paper. I'm still working on the credibility and ease in my paper. I have my topic pretty much nailed down, it's just making my research support me and continue for the required length.
I was able to deem that the author really did do their research. I even went on to search some of the papers that they used and was able to gather more information for my own paper. I'm still working on the credibility and ease in my paper. I have my topic pretty much nailed down, it's just making my research support me and continue for the required length.
Friday, November 21, 2008
our first meeting
We were able to gather as a group on Tuesday and figured out what we need to get done. If felt so good to be done with things ahead of time. I love having a topic to really focus and point my studies to in this class now. Our topic is help others and our scholar is President Hinckley. Everyone is pulling their part and stepping up to the plate. I really do think we're going to be able to do something great.
Our service project is going to consist of indexing and going to the temple to do baptisms. Just today I gave blood and wonder if I can count that hour long process. I'll talk it over. Today really didn't feel like a Thursday. Sad. They're my favorite day of the week.
Our service project is going to consist of indexing and going to the temple to do baptisms. Just today I gave blood and wonder if I can count that hour long process. I'll talk it over. Today really didn't feel like a Thursday. Sad. They're my favorite day of the week.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
intro attempts
Okay, for this week's blog post, I would like you to write an opening paragraph for your paper, but try it in at least two of the different styles we talked about in class. So there should be some different versions of your intro. Good Luck. Have fun!
Facebook is a social networking website that connects people to friends from all points of their life. While this movement has continued to expand, the world has seemingly been shrinking. While individuals seem to believe they're forming worthwhile relationships, really they are investing their time in just a few individuals. This second "facebook life"in fact decreases the number of people that a person can meet, limits conversational skills and makes people react in ways the wouldn't necessarily face to face.
The social networking site has worked its way to becoming a staple in the lives of younger generations. Users can spend hours on the site adding friends, uploading photos and videos, commenting, and reading a thread of their friend's latest happenings. This site has become quite intertwined with the lives of the younger generation. For some it has spread to an addiction where the user must visit the site multiple times a day. It is morphing the human experience and decreases the number of people a person can meet, hinders conversational skills and makes people act in ways online that they wouldn't necessarily face to face.
Facebook is a social networking website that connects people to friends from all points of their life. While this movement has continued to expand, the world has seemingly been shrinking. While individuals seem to believe they're forming worthwhile relationships, really they are investing their time in just a few individuals. This second "facebook life"in fact decreases the number of people that a person can meet, limits conversational skills and makes people react in ways the wouldn't necessarily face to face.
The social networking site has worked its way to becoming a staple in the lives of younger generations. Users can spend hours on the site adding friends, uploading photos and videos, commenting, and reading a thread of their friend's latest happenings. This site has become quite intertwined with the lives of the younger generation. For some it has spread to an addiction where the user must visit the site multiple times a day. It is morphing the human experience and decreases the number of people a person can meet, hinders conversational skills and makes people act in ways online that they wouldn't necessarily face to face.
Friday, November 14, 2008
the preparation begins
We met with our groups and have begun the planning process. Our topic is Help Others, something I feel that we can do very well with. Our disciple scholar at the moment is Gordan B. Hinckley, however, I think this may need to change and become something a bit more creative. While I love President Hinckley and acknowledge all that he has done for people the world over, we should instead highlight an individual that doesn't usually receive much attention. Who is this individual you may ask? I'm still mulling it over so check back in in a few. Shannon, Amy, Mike and Graham will be excellent group members and together we'll all really be able to accomplish something amazing.
Monday, November 10, 2008
good- better- best
Topic: Dinosaurs
Highly Credible: www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/dinosaur.html
As this is a source coming from a trusted university, the items being discussed on this page can be deemed truthful.
Moderately Credible: http://www.dinosaur-facts.com/
While this site is titled "dinosaur facts" it does not list a source for its information. The site author can pretty much post anything they want.
Little/No Credibility: http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/stegosaurus_is_my_second
This site is completely satire. The facts have been twisted and aren't entirely true.
Highly Credible: www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/dinosaur.html
As this is a source coming from a trusted university, the items being discussed on this page can be deemed truthful.
Moderately Credible: http://www.dinosaur-facts.com/
While this site is titled "dinosaur facts" it does not list a source for its information. The site author can pretty much post anything they want.
Little/No Credibility: http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/stegosaurus_is_my_second
This site is completely satire. The facts have been twisted and aren't entirely true.
Friday, November 7, 2008
College life is busy! Tonight was our Night of Asthetic Beauty. While it was planned to last for two hours, it ended up going from 7 till 10. And while technically it was for Humanities, I left the night feeling Spiritually strengthened and wishing to increase my own talents.
We also just received the email for our group assignments for our final. My topic actually sounds like something I'd enjoy sharing; my group doesn't seem half bad either.
I still really do need to sit down and write out my goals. GAH! And I want to write in my journal. Good, better, best, never let it rest till the good is better and the better is best. A life lesson to learn from.
This is a really scatter brained-y one. My apologies.
We also just received the email for our group assignments for our final. My topic actually sounds like something I'd enjoy sharing; my group doesn't seem half bad either.
I still really do need to sit down and write out my goals. GAH! And I want to write in my journal. Good, better, best, never let it rest till the good is better and the better is best. A life lesson to learn from.
This is a really scatter brained-y one. My apologies.
Friday, October 31, 2008
field trip
Gah! I was doing better at remembering to write these earlier. I guess that's just what happens as I get busier and busier. During class last time, we relocated to the JFSB gallery of the history behind Joseph Smith, BYU and institute/seminary. I'd have to say my favorite part of the exhibit was the art. What can I say? I'm a nerd like that. There was an oculus in the ceiling, the stunning spiral staircase that incorporates so many different mediums, and the simple paintings and pictures that hang on the walls. There was a bit of underlying symbolism with the light, vines and Shepard- each was to remind you of Christ.
I wandered the area with Katie and Gracie, but really didn't take in much of the actual displays. It's one place on campus that I want to be able to fully enjoy on my own time. I'll return... with camera in hand.
I wandered the area with Katie and Gracie, but really didn't take in much of the actual displays. It's one place on campus that I want to be able to fully enjoy on my own time. I'll return... with camera in hand.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
the "snow day"
We did not have a Univ 101 class last week, so I don't really have much to say about it. I still have to annotate the papers about it tonight.
One major improvement in my life that I could credit to this class is time management. More and more I'm seeing the importance of this and am working on creating a set schedule for myself. Also, last night I spent about two hours going through a large stack of papers I had accumulated since the beginning of the year and actually determined what was necessary.
So, off to more work. Sorry this blog really has nothing to say. Hopefully I can work on my quilt this weekend and finish fixing my computer.
One major improvement in my life that I could credit to this class is time management. More and more I'm seeing the importance of this and am working on creating a set schedule for myself. Also, last night I spent about two hours going through a large stack of papers I had accumulated since the beginning of the year and actually determined what was necessary.
So, off to more work. Sorry this blog really has nothing to say. Hopefully I can work on my quilt this weekend and finish fixing my computer.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Jolysa was truly inspired last class period as she spoke on positive mental tapes. We were to grade our Humanities class the following hour and a lot of students were apprehensive over what would happen. Jolysa was able to calm the fears of many and led an incredible discussion how we are loved by our Heavenly Father and how we have the ability within ourselves to improve our grades and learning styles.
In Art History last year, we spoke of a similar idea that was experienced in the Renaissance. The people armed themselves with a Positive Mental Attitude. Their PMA allowed them to create many of the advancements in the art world.
By arming ourselves with confidence, we are able to accomplish incredible things.
In Art History last year, we spoke of a similar idea that was experienced in the Renaissance. The people armed themselves with a Positive Mental Attitude. Their PMA allowed them to create many of the advancements in the art world.
By arming ourselves with confidence, we are able to accomplish incredible things.
Monday, October 13, 2008
political ads- wrought with rhetorical tools
I nearly forgot this blog assignment with all the hubbub of homecoming activities, cleaning prep, a packed Sunday and FHE. There's so much to juggle now!
Upon figuring out the correct website address, I decided to check out the '92 election year. I was two so I figure I could learn a bit from the past. Those attempting to become president included Democrat Clinton, Republican Bush and the Independent Perot. I hadn't even been aware an independent had had that great of an impact on the election at that point in my youth so I decided to check him out. (http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1992)
The very first clip in his row seemed promising; after all, with a light blue thumbnail displaying words over a young girl's face seemed to just scream that it had some sort of rhetorical tool within it.
Perot was a business man before he decided to throw his hat into the ring. He backed himself with his billions and paid for his political ads out of pocket. He speaks directly to the American parents and pleads with them on the state of the economy. He makes the statement that by 2000, as a country we'll have developed an $8 trillion deficit- just a couple years off. He totally manipulates his audience with pathos. The sounds of children on a playground can be heard. Light motivational chords swell. The ever changing background of forlorn innocent kids. Gah! All these below the belt punches! Then pair that with a bit of ethos- the announcer guy voice that would never lead us astray. Loaded words such as unlimited opportunity, children and the American Dream.
While Perot did not win the Presidency, his ads were very effective. He won twenty percent of the public vote, something that had never been done, nor since. People really listened to him and the cause that he stood for. To quote his ending, "The candidate is Ross Perot. The issue is our children. The choice is yours."
Upon figuring out the correct website address, I decided to check out the '92 election year. I was two so I figure I could learn a bit from the past. Those attempting to become president included Democrat Clinton, Republican Bush and the Independent Perot. I hadn't even been aware an independent had had that great of an impact on the election at that point in my youth so I decided to check him out. (http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1992)
The very first clip in his row seemed promising; after all, with a light blue thumbnail displaying words over a young girl's face seemed to just scream that it had some sort of rhetorical tool within it.
Perot was a business man before he decided to throw his hat into the ring. He backed himself with his billions and paid for his political ads out of pocket. He speaks directly to the American parents and pleads with them on the state of the economy. He makes the statement that by 2000, as a country we'll have developed an $8 trillion deficit- just a couple years off. He totally manipulates his audience with pathos. The sounds of children on a playground can be heard. Light motivational chords swell. The ever changing background of forlorn innocent kids. Gah! All these below the belt punches! Then pair that with a bit of ethos- the announcer guy voice that would never lead us astray. Loaded words such as unlimited opportunity, children and the American Dream.
While Perot did not win the Presidency, his ads were very effective. He won twenty percent of the public vote, something that had never been done, nor since. People really listened to him and the cause that he stood for. To quote his ending, "The candidate is Ross Perot. The issue is our children. The choice is yours."
Monday, October 6, 2008
meeting with an advisor
Just a bit of an update, I have been in to speak with a counselor about my major and how the education I gain today will effect my life into the eternities. I still am feeling very confident about seeking after a degree in English. The question just remains as to what, if any thing I will minor (double major?) in. The kind man armed me with sheets listing major requirements and instructed me to begin taking the required classes next semester. Wow. Just jumping right in then.
A goal I am now setting on my own that that one has been accomplished is to schedule my time a lot better. I need to sit down with my planner and really figure everything out. And set goals for myself. So, this is me informing you so that you may now check up on me. Thank you so much for all your loving guidance Jolysa :)
A goal I am now setting on my own that that one has been accomplished is to schedule my time a lot better. I need to sit down with my planner and really figure everything out. And set goals for myself. So, this is me informing you so that you may now check up on me. Thank you so much for all your loving guidance Jolysa :)
Gen Con: An Examination of Rhetoric
For this week, I'd like you to analyze a general conference talk. (If you morally object to this, pick one from a previous conference). Look for rhetorical tools, and what effect they are designed to have on the audience. Good Luck.
It seems that with every passing year, I grow more and more excited for General Conference. As the full text for this October session will not be released until Thursday for me to reexamine it, I selected Elder Bednar's talk "And Nothing Shall Offend Them" from the October 2006 Conference.
Elder Bednar comes into this particular conference as a newly called apostle. Though generally unfamiliar to his audience at this time, his talk is wrought with ethos as he is in a position of much responsibility and wisdom.
His talk is one that has stuck with me to this day; it really was a revolutionary thought process he was setting down. You control your own emotions. You decide how you will react to what others say to you. All of this was very logical, and consequently employed logos.
As with any well crafted talk, a stories were included, linking Elder Bednar with his audience through pathos.
To go further, stylistic tools including parallelism, repetition and call to action were utilized. Elder Bednar really made himself stand out in this session and taught the Saints something that really needed to be taken to heart.
It seems that with every passing year, I grow more and more excited for General Conference. As the full text for this October session will not be released until Thursday for me to reexamine it, I selected Elder Bednar's talk "And Nothing Shall Offend Them" from the October 2006 Conference.
Elder Bednar comes into this particular conference as a newly called apostle. Though generally unfamiliar to his audience at this time, his talk is wrought with ethos as he is in a position of much responsibility and wisdom.
His talk is one that has stuck with me to this day; it really was a revolutionary thought process he was setting down. You control your own emotions. You decide how you will react to what others say to you. All of this was very logical, and consequently employed logos.
As with any well crafted talk, a stories were included, linking Elder Bednar with his audience through pathos.
To go further, stylistic tools including parallelism, repetition and call to action were utilized. Elder Bednar really made himself stand out in this session and taught the Saints something that really needed to be taken to heart.
Friday, October 3, 2008
online myMAP
Alright,so this last week we received a wonderful email informing us to take an online quiz through FA to better assess this incoming class, its needs, and our personal goals. The test really was like any other personality analyzer I'd gone through in the past; usually there's at least one a year through some sort of program. So, take the test and thought that'd just be it- JK! So then there's all this pondering about the questions they'd ask. Do I really have good study skills? Am I sleeping enough?
A few days later I found an email in my inbox- the results were in! Click the link and it takes me to a page on the BYU website that has all sorts of cool information. It showed my ranking on the assessment in comparison to the others that took it and had lots of background information that gave more background to the questions they asked. And the graphics were user friendly! If they had done the application process with something as simple and straight forward as that, I would have had a lot less stress.
This weekend is General Conference and it's pretty much like another holiday down here. Kids are plotting how to get home, get tickets and how/where to watch. Personally, my Mom and sister are coming down Friday, a friend is taking me to the morning session Saturday, and then I have a birthday party Saturday afternoon. I may be coming home Saturday night (with all my laundry done at home for free) and then just chill, study, and watch gen con down here at home.
A lot of the questions on the test were about homesickness. I think I'll be homesick when I go up this weekend. This is home. This is where I live. I love my family, I've just gained another one down here. If you're one of the one's dealing with thoughts of home, meet new people and make friends like crazy. You feel cool when you can say hi to everyone you meet, and it really puts you into the community down here.
I have another goal I'm working on- every one's names in the ward learned by the end of the month. Once I have the ward menu, I'm studying up!
A few days later I found an email in my inbox- the results were in! Click the link and it takes me to a page on the BYU website that has all sorts of cool information. It showed my ranking on the assessment in comparison to the others that took it and had lots of background information that gave more background to the questions they asked. And the graphics were user friendly! If they had done the application process with something as simple and straight forward as that, I would have had a lot less stress.
This weekend is General Conference and it's pretty much like another holiday down here. Kids are plotting how to get home, get tickets and how/where to watch. Personally, my Mom and sister are coming down Friday, a friend is taking me to the morning session Saturday, and then I have a birthday party Saturday afternoon. I may be coming home Saturday night (with all my laundry done at home for free) and then just chill, study, and watch gen con down here at home.
A lot of the questions on the test were about homesickness. I think I'll be homesick when I go up this weekend. This is home. This is where I live. I love my family, I've just gained another one down here. If you're one of the one's dealing with thoughts of home, meet new people and make friends like crazy. You feel cool when you can say hi to everyone you meet, and it really puts you into the community down here.
I have another goal I'm working on- every one's names in the ward learned by the end of the month. Once I have the ward menu, I'm studying up!
Monday, September 29, 2008
think twice
Finally! You've been saving for a laptop of your own now for months; today is the day that everything is going to become a reality. No more going to the library or bumming the family computer off Mom and Dad. You, with your own hard earned cash, are stepping into an investment of the grandest sort- technology. Before you get too carried away, have you given any thought to that extended warranty? With a high dollar item such as this, you may want to think twice.
Within these last few days, I have come to know how important such an investment is. This knowledge came to me as I first sat down to fulfill this very blog assignment and work on the final of our Op Ed, now due within a few short hours. My attempt was drastically cut short. Suddenly the color of my screen sucked itself into its center and popped away. Panic gradually grew as attempts to simply press the start button could not weild any life within my machine. The battery was removed, blown on, prayed for... still to no avail.
After a trip to a computer guru friend and an hour phone call with the help line, I began to see the grace in having my computer fail now, while still under its warranty. Had I not paid for the additional service, I would completely out of a computer and all of my technology stored within.
Though I'm going to be inconvieneced for about two weeks, it's much better than the alternative. To further arm yourself after your warranty expires, I highly suggest investing in an external hard drive. I now I have to deal with possibly loosing two years worth of papers, pictures, music, schedules and programs. GAH! At least I'm learning in my youth. Let my problem be a lesson to you- technology will eventually fail you; prepare against it.
Within these last few days, I have come to know how important such an investment is. This knowledge came to me as I first sat down to fulfill this very blog assignment and work on the final of our Op Ed, now due within a few short hours. My attempt was drastically cut short. Suddenly the color of my screen sucked itself into its center and popped away. Panic gradually grew as attempts to simply press the start button could not weild any life within my machine. The battery was removed, blown on, prayed for... still to no avail.
After a trip to a computer guru friend and an hour phone call with the help line, I began to see the grace in having my computer fail now, while still under its warranty. Had I not paid for the additional service, I would completely out of a computer and all of my technology stored within.
Though I'm going to be inconvieneced for about two weeks, it's much better than the alternative. To further arm yourself after your warranty expires, I highly suggest investing in an external hard drive. I now I have to deal with possibly loosing two years worth of papers, pictures, music, schedules and programs. GAH! At least I'm learning in my youth. Let my problem be a lesson to you- technology will eventually fail you; prepare against it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
people and the brain
This is coming just a bit later at night-- slipped my mind for a bit. In our last class we talked about the brain and how it influences us as people. Along with a link to our Humanities class in discussing the Sophic and Mantic individual, we discussed testimonies and how we can know that truth is before us by recognizing the witness of the Holy Ghost.
I paid attention to this in my other classes this last week to see if I would really know when truth was before me. My Book of Mormon class had many faith strengthening moments.. something I usually expect from doctrine study. What I really came to know this last week with the Holy Ghost's witness is the importance of my Physical Science course. While it's just a basic GE, I know that the things I am learning in it now will help me in the Eternities as I create my own Worlds.
Kahi was hit by a car just the day before class last week and is an incredible trooper. He made the trek on his crutches to each of his classes. I know first hand being hit by a car is not the greatest feeling in the world, especially when all the soreness sets in the following day. Everyone's doing a great job of helping him out. I should see if I can visit him tomorrow. That'd be a good plan.
I paid attention to this in my other classes this last week to see if I would really know when truth was before me. My Book of Mormon class had many faith strengthening moments.. something I usually expect from doctrine study. What I really came to know this last week with the Holy Ghost's witness is the importance of my Physical Science course. While it's just a basic GE, I know that the things I am learning in it now will help me in the Eternities as I create my own Worlds.
Kahi was hit by a car just the day before class last week and is an incredible trooper. He made the trek on his crutches to each of his classes. I know first hand being hit by a car is not the greatest feeling in the world, especially when all the soreness sets in the following day. Everyone's doing a great job of helping him out. I should see if I can visit him tomorrow. That'd be a good plan.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
superiority complex
A childhood in Galt, California. True happiness in Draper, Utah. I'm not pulling your leg or being sarcastic in any way, shape or form of the word. Although I make up part of the 31% of BYU Utahans, I haven't spent my entire existence within its boundaries. The move to Utah came the summer before 6th grade and was honestly a pretty devastating thing. I went from top dog, super smarty-pants to an isolated child.
My life didn't stay this way forever- obviously, I'm just not that type of person. Draper really is the best place to live because of the type of people you're able to meet, the standards they and the community hold, and the sheer amount of activities it offers within a five minute area.
Draper began to have an appeal for me once I began to meet the lifelong friends I still have to this day. The biggest thing about the move to Utah, besides leaving my Father, was leaving the Church. Once we moved out here we became inactive. I was young and didn't understand the monumentality of that decision. Friends I made at school and in my neighborhood really are responsible for bringing me back and helping me to become the person I am today.
While I knew EVERYBODY back in my elementary school, not necessarily everyone held the same standards that I did. By living in the area that I did, I was able to meet those that really strived to do their best and live life as the Savior did. I know all of my neighbors and can rely on them for anything. My ward is incredible. They love me, and my family, as individuals and only wish to serve. I was able to seek out the best friends and look to those that need to be emulated as examples in my own life.
Plus, life in Draper pretty much means you can do anything within a few minutes. There is an arena, field, court, pool, and store for every sport imaginable. We have mountains for your winter sports, a short drive offering lakes and rivers, and hundreds of restaurants and stores. Boredom isn't something that comes easily.
I have loved my life in Draper and will eternally sing praises to its name. I now know that my family's move to the area was an inspired thing to help me meet those that would allow me to perfect myself and return to the Light. While others may try to sway you, I know the truth. Draper is where true happiness resides.
My life didn't stay this way forever- obviously, I'm just not that type of person. Draper really is the best place to live because of the type of people you're able to meet, the standards they and the community hold, and the sheer amount of activities it offers within a five minute area.
Draper began to have an appeal for me once I began to meet the lifelong friends I still have to this day. The biggest thing about the move to Utah, besides leaving my Father, was leaving the Church. Once we moved out here we became inactive. I was young and didn't understand the monumentality of that decision. Friends I made at school and in my neighborhood really are responsible for bringing me back and helping me to become the person I am today.
While I knew EVERYBODY back in my elementary school, not necessarily everyone held the same standards that I did. By living in the area that I did, I was able to meet those that really strived to do their best and live life as the Savior did. I know all of my neighbors and can rely on them for anything. My ward is incredible. They love me, and my family, as individuals and only wish to serve. I was able to seek out the best friends and look to those that need to be emulated as examples in my own life.
Plus, life in Draper pretty much means you can do anything within a few minutes. There is an arena, field, court, pool, and store for every sport imaginable. We have mountains for your winter sports, a short drive offering lakes and rivers, and hundreds of restaurants and stores. Boredom isn't something that comes easily.
I have loved my life in Draper and will eternally sing praises to its name. I now know that my family's move to the area was an inspired thing to help me meet those that would allow me to perfect myself and return to the Light. While others may try to sway you, I know the truth. Draper is where true happiness resides.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
hula happenins
On this assignment I'll admit I procrastinated. Reading President Eyring's talk really inspired me and learning a hula to go with it only made me think of my art history teacher from last year. While I'm obnoxiously outgoing, I didn't quite want to look the part of a fool in front of my peers.. really my dancing skills are nill.
But it must be completed! I had taped it- I adore my camera but that's a whole other story- and decided to review it a couple of times before venturing out tonight. Once I had it pretty good I set out to my victims... err, anxious pupils.
I decided to go to Maser Hall- with three long time guy friends from middle school not in FA, they wouldn't let me down :) Will West wast first and only too happy to swivel his hips just a bit too much and help me out. Thanks Will. Then a quick jaunt across the basement took me to Mike and Tanner. At first they were very skeptical of my motives and made me perform like the uncoordinated fool I am. Upon being reassured it was for a homework assignment they stood and allowed themselves to be molded. Muah ha ha ha! Hopefully they have it down pat. Special thanks goes out to Will's unsuspecting roommate Matt Randall and dear Jenn Wright for just being in a wrong place wrong time situation and learning as well.
I still need to meet with an advisement center to meet my goal-- I'll attempt to schedule that tomorrow. I'm also working on uploading the video I taped in class. It's really high quality though and Facebook isn't quite sophisticated to handle its awesome at this time.
And if I have time in the near future, I'll find and post the link to Eyring's talk and our/my notes on it. Maybe favorite quotes? We'll see.
But it must be completed! I had taped it- I adore my camera but that's a whole other story- and decided to review it a couple of times before venturing out tonight. Once I had it pretty good I set out to my victims... err, anxious pupils.
I decided to go to Maser Hall- with three long time guy friends from middle school not in FA, they wouldn't let me down :) Will West wast first and only too happy to swivel his hips just a bit too much and help me out. Thanks Will. Then a quick jaunt across the basement took me to Mike and Tanner. At first they were very skeptical of my motives and made me perform like the uncoordinated fool I am. Upon being reassured it was for a homework assignment they stood and allowed themselves to be molded. Muah ha ha ha! Hopefully they have it down pat. Special thanks goes out to Will's unsuspecting roommate Matt Randall and dear Jenn Wright for just being in a wrong place wrong time situation and learning as well.
I still need to meet with an advisement center to meet my goal-- I'll attempt to schedule that tomorrow. I'm also working on uploading the video I taped in class. It's really high quality though and Facebook isn't quite sophisticated to handle its awesome at this time.
And if I have time in the near future, I'll find and post the link to Eyring's talk and our/my notes on it. Maybe favorite quotes? We'll see.
Monday, September 15, 2008
downside- whatevs!
I am so glad that I have the opportunity to attend Brigham Young University. I love the professors, making my own food and hanging out with whoever-whenever. I’m sorta known as the partier among my roommates. This could be perhaps because I’m out all night playing games instead of really getting my work done. There’ve been a couple of times where I’ve been in a guy’s dorm past curfew but that doesn’t really matter- the Honor Code isn’t really even enforced so I can pretty much do what I want.
I was talking to this Junior kid last week and he was telling me all the ways to get around the “law.” Psch. It’s so easy. I don’t really like my roommates eating my applesause so I’ve been contemplating buying a mini fridge and putting it in my closet. The RAs and HAs don’t check there so you can stash whatever you want. I brought all my candles down too- I just can’t live without my sweet vanilla sugar burning all the time.
Plus, down here there’s like no dress code! I can totally bring out my mini skirt and just wear my cute leggings I bought over the summer- presto! Modest outfit!
I was in lab last week for my Physical Science class and it’s so easy to just copy the group work down. No stress! We were supposed to ride up and down this elevator like dorks and measure the difference in “contact force.” I hate science. No time for that in my life! So I just got one of the other girl’s papers and took down her notes. Turned it in and nobody’s the wiser.
Seriously guys. Signing the Honor Code paper doesn’t really do anything to you. We’re kids! Live up your life!
I was talking to this Junior kid last week and he was telling me all the ways to get around the “law.” Psch. It’s so easy. I don’t really like my roommates eating my applesause so I’ve been contemplating buying a mini fridge and putting it in my closet. The RAs and HAs don’t check there so you can stash whatever you want. I brought all my candles down too- I just can’t live without my sweet vanilla sugar burning all the time.
Plus, down here there’s like no dress code! I can totally bring out my mini skirt and just wear my cute leggings I bought over the summer- presto! Modest outfit!
I was in lab last week for my Physical Science class and it’s so easy to just copy the group work down. No stress! We were supposed to ride up and down this elevator like dorks and measure the difference in “contact force.” I hate science. No time for that in my life! So I just got one of the other girl’s papers and took down her notes. Turned it in and nobody’s the wiser.
Seriously guys. Signing the Honor Code paper doesn’t really do anything to you. We’re kids! Live up your life!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
establishing a blog for all the classes
This blog now encompasses both my personal life and experiences, as well as assignments for my English 150 class and my University 101. I could have made up separate web addresses for each of these, but I'm in a mood to conserve and retain that which I have no need to use. I don't need to create 20 different web addresses for myself and remember each of their passwords so this is how it's going to be.
To negotiate the differences, all my English assignments will have the tag "ENG 150 H" or something close to that, and all my Freshman Seminar blogs will have the tag "UNIV 101." It'll all make sense. No worries. You're smart.
Since there is no real direction to the Univ 101 assignments yet other than to record experiences, I'll just write that I'm loving the course. It's really making me think about my major and my life. I am so grateful to Aunt Cheryl and all that she taught me last year. I'm pretty much obsessed with Art History, I adore music, reading, poetry... any aesthetic experiences really. I love that we can discuss gospel in the middle of the class. My testimony grows with each day I have down here.
That'll be all for now I suppose. Once I have a prompt, there'll be more direction.
To negotiate the differences, all my English assignments will have the tag "ENG 150 H" or something close to that, and all my Freshman Seminar blogs will have the tag "UNIV 101." It'll all make sense. No worries. You're smart.
Since there is no real direction to the Univ 101 assignments yet other than to record experiences, I'll just write that I'm loving the course. It's really making me think about my major and my life. I am so grateful to Aunt Cheryl and all that she taught me last year. I'm pretty much obsessed with Art History, I adore music, reading, poetry... any aesthetic experiences really. I love that we can discuss gospel in the middle of the class. My testimony grows with each day I have down here.
That'll be all for now I suppose. Once I have a prompt, there'll be more direction.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
downside of the Y
Attitude is everything. I cannot even begin to express how honored I feel about being able to attend this university. All throughout high school I was known as the happy outgoing girl that would be anyone's friend through thick and thin. While I met those that didn't exactly hold the same values that I did, I had hoped that those I would encounter at the Y would all be of the same high character that I so respect. Unfortunately I have found that this isn't the case. The most disturbing thing I have encountered so far are the individuals that choose not to follow the Honor Code.
Those that ignore the Honor Code really don't strike me as people I want to associate with. I understand that by following the rules, I gain more personal freedom. The Honor Code was at the top of the list on reasons why I wanted to attend BYU. I don't want to know the loop holes. I'm striving to stay as far away from the grey area as possible.
Those that ignore the Honor Code really don't strike me as people I want to associate with. I understand that by following the rules, I gain more personal freedom. The Honor Code was at the top of the list on reasons why I wanted to attend BYU. I don't want to know the loop holes. I'm striving to stay as far away from the grey area as possible.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
moving eve
The move is tomorrow. Wow. It still doesn't feel like it.. and I have a TON to pack in the morning. The laundry has been going all day so I have some clean things to take down. I can't wait to meet everyone. PEOPLE GALORE!
I make some goals for the first semester and post them up here.. along with my thoughts about love. There's too much to say right now. I'll make this better- hopefully tomorrow if I'm all unpacked by then.
I make some goals for the first semester and post them up here.. along with my thoughts about love. There's too much to say right now. I'll make this better- hopefully tomorrow if I'm all unpacked by then.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
the one that started it all
Post numero uno. I don't really know how this entire process works, but since the rest of the world seems to be getting into blogging, vlogging, and networking, I thought I should check out what the scene is all about.
I want to post stories on this site. Maybe just random things that are going through my mind. Just a little experiment to find out who I am. Know that I don't mean to offend- I'm just calling things like I see them.
I want to post stories on this site. Maybe just random things that are going through my mind. Just a little experiment to find out who I am. Know that I don't mean to offend- I'm just calling things like I see them.
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